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When Zero Diet takes on its full meaning

March 19, 2015 - By Nautilus Plus

Temps de lecture 2 minutes

Last September 29, I signed up for the Transform program at the Nautilus Plus centre in Delson. To be honest, the thing I was most afraid of was “dieting,” because food has always been a great source of problems for me. I was excited about getting back in shape and exercising, but I feared deprivation!

Fortunately, I was assigned the unparalleled Marie-Ève Nadeau as nutritionist. Indeed, using her excellent listening skills, she was able to identify my needs and provide me with the necessary tools to change my eating habits. As a matter of fact, from the first session I knew that I was in good hands, that she would support me through the entire Transform program, and that I would accomplish my objectives. All of this turned out to be true, because as of today, February 28, I can say that thanks to her, my relation to food has completely changed, and that I have now adopted healthy habits for life.

She first designed a personalized nutrition plan that would fit into my daily life, without having me invest hours into cooking or being hungry all the time as with most diets. She also taught me how to calculate calories and servings, the main causes of my extra weight. We went grocery shopping together so I could learn how to read the nutritional labels and compare the products in order to make smart food choices. Finally, she gave me lots of tips and practical advice, and most of all, she answered all my questions! With all of this, I never felt like I was on a diet, and I was successful in reaching my objectives*!

Thank you Marie-Ève!

Julie Faucher et nutritionniste_ENG

*Disclaimer: Please note that the results can vary from a person to another. Nautilus Plus is not responsible of the validity of the statements in this testimonial.

When Zero Diet takes on its full meaning is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
Copyright © Nautilus Plus 2015

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