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The training partner you can’t be without

March 31, 2015 - By Karine Larose, M.Sc.

Temps de lecture 3 minutes

Here are five clues to help you find who he or she is:

  1. He or she improves the fitness of users, no matter what their goals are, and may even help them exceed their expectations;
  2. He or she can adjust to all user frequencies: every two days, once a week, once a month, or even once a season;
  3. He or she is a source of inspiration and motivates the user to adopt a physically active lifestyle;
  4. He or she is a reference who can answer all your questions about training, lifestyle, and health in general;
  5. He or she is always attentive to your needs, adapts to your particular condition, and can even help you improve certain health problems!

Well, have you guessed? A kinesiologist!

Following nutrition month in March, I suggest April be dedicated to personal trainers, more specifically, kinesiologists. These health professionals, together with nutritionists, form duos whose services are an absolute must for clients striving to achieve results rapidly.

Would you like to lose weight, gain muscle, prep yourself for a sport, enjoy once more the quality of life you had before suffering a health problem? Achieve your objectives confidently by accepting the guidance of a kinesiologist whose mission is to do everything in his or her power to optimize all the components of your fitness.

Personal trainer/kinesiologists have university degrees in exercise science, entitling them to perform various interventions like:

– assessing your level of fitness using rigorous scientific procedures;

– designing an effective action plan for improving your health, regardless of your initial fitness;

– acting as consultants to guide you along the road to a healthy lifestyle and help you embrace an active way of life.

So if and when you decide to use a gym, make sure the personal trainers there have a university education in the physical activity field. In the case of Nautilus Plus, no matter which centre you go to or trainer you have the privilege of working with, you can rest assured that a true health professional would accompany you in your fitness endeavour. University training is, in fact, a compulsory prerequisite for employment as a personal trainer at Nautilus Plus. This way, you’ll be sure that the care and attention you receive will conform to the highest standards of quality. These same standards set Nautilus Plus apart from its competitors and allow the company to fulfill its primary role, that of providing you with made-to-measure results!

Here are a few inspirational stories that testify to the key role personal trainers play with their partner, the nutritionist!
Julie‘s story
Marie-France‘s story
Joelle‘s story
Bruno-Pierre‘s story

Make the right choice: surround yourself with true health professionals and you’ll achieve results in no time!

The training partner you can't be without is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
Copyright © Nautilus Plus 2015

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