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The Tools that Changed my Life!

October 18, 2016 - By Nautilus Plus

Temps de lecture 2 minutes

When I was 23 years old, my physician referred me to a neurologist for serious health problems mainly caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. Standing only 4’11’’ at 256 pounds, I suffered from high blood pressure, was smoking almost an entire pack of cigarettes a day, and was monitored for diabetes. I had a hard time walking longer than a few minutes because of the pain in my legs and feet. My doctor was straightforward with me: “For starters, losing 50 pounds would be a good idea.” For starters? Losing a single pound is hard; 50 was unfathomable!

With fear gripping my guts, I quit smoking and visited every gym in my region to ask for information. My last stop was at Nautilus Plus, where I was treated to a visit and a consultation to identify my needs. I then took the first step towards my new life; I became a member and was paired with Daniel Lozinski, my trainer for the next 6 months (and years to come!).

We started with a simple program adapted to my needs, as well as recommendations from a nutritionist. I was always welcomed by a “Have a great workout”, and it encouraged me to come back day after day. Tired or not, I integrated workouts into my daily schedule and ended up looking forward to let off steam at the gym.

It worked! I lost my first few pounds! At the beginning, I only walked a few minutes on the treadmill while trying to hold a conversation, and now I can jog 5 km on my lunch hour!

Almost three years later, I’ve lost 140 lb and was named a finalist for the I’m Taking Charge Super Challenge, which I won! So much emotion and achievements, and proof that everything is possible when you have the right tools.

Nautilus Plus has the right tools to change lives!

Thank you!


Natacha Papillon, 25 years old and healthy

The Tools that Changed my Life! is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
Copyright © Nautilus Plus 2016

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