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Three Practical Tips to Stick to Your 2015 Fitness Resolution!

January 15, 2015 - By Karine Larose, M.Sc.

Temps de lecture 3 minutes

Each year, numerous people make the resolution to lose weight, and wish each other happiness, prosperity and of course, health.

However, health is not something one stumbles upon by chance, but a privilege over which we have a great deal of control. Recent studies, particularly those referred to in Richard Béliveau’s latest book, Prévenir le Cancer, prove this. “Currently, most deaths from cancer could be prevented,” that’s a statement not to be sniffed at!

From the moment we adopt a healthy lifestyle, we can begin to fully enjoy life and avoid serious health issues. As attractive as a more slender silhouette might be, if this objective is not paired with a conscious effort to modify some of your lifestyle habits over the long term, such as eating healthier and exercising regularly, it will be doomed to failure.

Here are three tips among many others I will present over the next few weeks to help you take charge successfully once and for all!

1. Set realistic objectives according to your OWN reality.

The first step consists of clearly defining your training schedule. Are you a mom with kids at school and a full-time job? Maybe planning to exercise one hour and a half every day is not exactly realistic. Instead, opt for 4 workouts per week, including two home sessions with an exercise DVD, a group class at the gym, and an outdoors family outing playing sports with the kid for a couple hours. All of these activities add up towards your objective and make a difference on your overall health condition!

2. Get help from specialists.

Since most people don’t know how to train, which exercises to choose and how to perform them, it is important that you seek advice from professionals such as kinesiologists and nutritionists in order to get the right tools to reach your goals. Are you 50 to 60 years old and heave just been diagnosed with high blood pressure by your doctor? Are you almost diabetic? In short, is your health in poor condition? A qualified trainer will know how to properly guide you regarding the duration, nature, and intensity of exercises, while a nutritionist will explain you how to change some of your eating habits to optimise your results. A custom program tailored just for you will give you confidence and motivate you to persevere.

3. Get the support of your loved ones.

Whether it is your spouse, your children, or your colleagues, it is important that you tell them about your fitness plan so they can become involved and help you achieve your goals. Outline your action plan to them and explain the impact it may have on their lives. You must ensure you have their support to facilitate the integration of your new lifestyle.

Allow yourself a few weeks to find your OWN pace. Remember that fitness is not something you do temporarily only to get a slimmer waist for wearing your favourite bathing suit in time for summer, but much more than that. There are many good strategies, and the objective at this point is to determine which one suits you best. Remember that this is not a race! Slowly start to enjoy exercising in itself, and you will reap even greater benefits.

By Karine Larose

Three Practical Tips to Stick to Your 2015 Fitness Resolution! is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
Copyright © Nautilus Plus 2015

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