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Zero Diet®

No more dieting! The Zero Diet nutrition program provides you with all the tools for choosing your foods more easily and improving your daily diet, step by step. With this made-to-measure program, you’ll increase your chances of reaching your objectives faster than you ever thought possible!

Consult with a nutritionist

A nutritionist is the perfect person to help you improve your eating habits and enable you to lose fat healthily while increasing your muscle mass. You will receive a plan for your meals and snacks, advice, and motivation for achieving sustainable results.

Nutritional assessment and food journal

An assessment of your current eating habits allows the nutritionist to determine the changes you need to make in order to reach your goals. You will receive an eating plan and advice to guide you throughout your endeavor.

Access the frequency questionnaire here.

BODË test

Have a BODË test done to determine your % of body fat, basal metabolism, muscle mass in your arms, legs and trunk, level of hydration, and ideal body composition for a healthy weight.

This program includes:

  • Consultations with a nutritionist
  • Nutritional evaluation
  • BODË express tests
  • ''Zero Diet 2'' book by Karine Larose and Sophie Blais

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