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Perfect posture program

March 5, 2012 - By Karine Larose, M.Sc.

Temps de lecture 3 minutes

Chisel your shoulders and your back with this super-effective circuit. A strong and toned back will also help you keep your posture straight, which has the immediate effect of making your silhouette slimmer. On top of strengthening your spine, these exercises will help giving a ”stylish appearance” to your naked back!

Directions for the PERFECT POSTURE program

I suggest that you perform this circuit with no rest between exercises. After completing the circuit once, take a 60 seconds break, and repeat the circuit. For better results, perform the circuit two to three times. Aim for three to four workouts a week and make sure that you use weights heavy enough to produce optimal results!

Exercise 1: Plank rowing

Target areas: Trunk (abs, back, pectorals) and rhomboids.
Accessories: Dumbbells.
Repetitions: 6 repetitions by alternating sides, for a total of 12.

A. Start in the plank position, with feet slightly away from each other and hands gripping the dumbbells (around 5 pounds) at shoulders width. Your body should make a straight line from head to heels (A).

B. Perform a pulling motion by bringing the dumbbell toward your armpit, keeping your elbow close to your body while voluntarily squeezing your shoulder blades together (B). Return to the plank position, and repeat on the opposite side.

Exercise 2: Superman exercise (dorsal raise)

Target areas: Latissimus dorsi and extensors.
Accessories: None.
Repetitions: One set of 12 repetitions.

A. Lie face down on the ground with your arms bent over your head at an angle of approximately 30° in relation to your body. Your body should form a Y (A).

B. Lift your arms as high as possible (B). Return to initial position.

Exercise 3: Lateral raise in lunge position

Target areas: Shoulders.
Accessories: A dumbbell.
Repetitions: One set of 12 repetitions.

A. While holding a dumbbell in your right hand, put your feet at a larger than shoulders width and perform a rotation with your toes and your trunk until you are in a lunge position. Bend forward and put your left hand on your thigh (A).

B. Perform a lateral raise until your right hand is on the same level as your shoulder (B), and return to the initial position. Be careful not to bend your wrist while lifting your arm.

Exercise 4: Pullover

Target areas: Latissimus dorsi.
Accessories: A pair of dumbbells (5 to 8 pounds).
Repetitions: One set of 12 repetitions.

A. Lying on your back on a bench parallel to the ground, and holding the dumbbells in your hands, place your arms straight and perpendicular to the ground so that your hands are over your upper chest and your chin. Keep your palms facing each other (A).

B. Starting from your shoulders, extend your arms backwards until they are in line with your body, while keeping your elbows slightly bent (B). Squeeze your shoulder blades together during the exercise.

Exercise 5: The Swimmer

Target areas: Upper back.
Accessories: None.
Repetitions: 6 repetitions for each side, alternating, for a total of 12.

A. Lie face down on the ground with your arms bent over your head at an angle of approximately 30° in relation to your body. Your body should form a Y (A).

B. Keeping your abs tensed, lift an arm and the opposite leg (B). Return to initial position (A).

C. Keeping your abs tensed, lift the other arm and its opposite leg (C). Return to initial position (A). Alternate sides while breathing freely.

Perfect posture program is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
Copyright © Nautilus Plus 2012

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