Nourish to Flourish

Do you find the link between healthy eating and personal fulfillment far-fetched? Well, this title isn’t a figment of my imagination, but rather one proposed by Dietitians of Canada as the theme for Nutrition Month 2025! Nourish to Flourish aims to “highlight the profound links between food and overall well-being[1]”. Let’s explore how eating well can contribute to a more fulfilling life.
Since “to flourish” means, among other things, “to make happy, fulfilled[2]”, I’ve chosen to tell you more about the contribution of good nutrition to psychological well-being. A Mediterranean-style diet, rich in plant-based, minimally processed foods such as whole grains, reduces the risk of depression[3]. In contrast, regular consumption of refined cereal products and sugars (white bread and rice, white pasta, cookies and pastries, etc.) increases the risk of depression and may make us more anxious or irritable[4]. Although the connections between diet and mental health are as fascinating as they are numerous, let’s not forget that they are complex and multifaceted.
During consultations, I often hear that it’s “boring to eat alone”, a statement that’s totally justified! Eating with others is a privileged way to create and maintain social ties and to enjoy life[5]. However, when this moment is punctuated by comparisons and/or comments such as “Really, you’re going to eat all that?”, the pleasure can quickly fade. For everyone’s benefit, it would be considerate of you to check your judgement at the door and keep your comments about other people’s behavior at mealtimes under wraps.
Food autonomy refers to the ability of an individual or group to feed themselves and produce their own food in a sustainable way[6][7][8]. Urban gardening, local farming and small animal breeding are examples of related practices. These practices increase power over food choices, contribute to food security and promote healthy eating. It’s becoming clear that being able to choose fresh food whose exact origin we know, and the assurance of not running out of food to eat can “make an individual or a group content and fulfilled”!
Eating well can contribute significantly to your fulfillment in several ways: by improving your mood, creating or strengthening social ties and supporting food autonomy. Book an appointment with a nutritionist to help you make meaningful, lasting dietary changes that will help you thrive! And don’t forget to take part in our various free activities as part of Nutrition Month 2025.
Nourish to Flourish is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
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