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I’m Getting Results, This Is Working!

June 15, 2016 - By Nautilus Plus

Temps de lecture 3 minutes

My journey with Nautilus Plus began in January 2015, when I decided to take charge once and for all. After a pregnancy during which I indulged in anything I wanted to eat, whenever I wanted, without worrying about the consequences (it’s so easy to say, “I’ll just lose it after!”), I was faced with a 60-pound weight gain. I was able to lose some of it by myself during the following year, but not much.

Weight loss is said to be a matter of nutrition and having healthy eating habits, so in January 2015, I decided to schedule an appointment with Catherine, my nutritionist. After my nutritional assessment, we had several follow-up sessions, and even a field trip to the grocery. I always returned home with lots of tools, tips and motivation! Results were quick to follow; my nutrition plan was working! After two months, it was time to begin working on my physical abilities and get back in shape! I started meeting with Pascal, my kinesiologist. My first program was… hard! I still remember it to this day, even a year later. I was struggling to do what he was asking of me. But I am not one to shy away from a challenge, so I did the work. Because I need a constant source of motivation, I meet with Pascal every month (even to this day). The goal of our meetings is to change my workout plans and ensure we follow up on my objectives. As months go by, I’m getting results; this is working! I met with Catherine again during the year to devise a new nutritional plan that is more adapted to my new body and objective, which is now to gain some muscle, tone up, and sculpt my body!

My results after 1 year*:

Body fat: from 30% down to 17.4% (total fat loss 23.8 lb)
Muscle: from 57.5 lb to 59.3 lb (total muscle gain 1.8 lb)
Scale weight: overall weight loss of 20.4 lb

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After all this work, I’ve regained my health and energy, but most importantly, my self-confidence and well-being. Thank you Pascal and Catherine, we will keep working together; you have not heard the last of me!

As for giving you advice, I would say: there’s a beginning to everything. Don’t give up, you can be successful too!



*Disclaimer: Please note that the results can vary from a person to another. Nautilus Plus is not responsible of the validity of the statements in this testimonial.

I’m Getting Results, This Is Working! is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
Copyright © Nautilus Plus 2016

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