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Group training: more than just a motivating factor

September 1, 2023 - By Karine Larose, M.Sc.

Temps de lecture 4 minutes

Summer’s drawing to a close and the new school year is well underway, it’s a good time to restore a sense of balance and get back into the swing of things. For many, getting back to the gym is one of them!

Are you the kind of person who goes to the gym, puts on your headphones, starts your workout program, 2-3 cell phone notifications, takes a sip of water, concentrates on finishing your workout and goes home? Or would you rather join a supervised training group? Or participate in a group class like Zumba, Step, Yoga and Bootcamp?

group exercise […] delivers far more than just health benefits

While working out alone has proven to work wonders for many, there’s currently a renewed interest in group training. And that’s great, because the benefits associated with getting active in a group are said to be numerous, for both health and motivation.

A study published in the October 2017 edition of the Journal of the American Osteopathic Association reveals that compared to people who train alone, group exercisers see a significant improvement in mental health (by 12.6%), physical health (24.8%), emotional health (26%) and a reduction in perceived stress levels (by 26%). The effect of group exercise on health is therefore significant!

What’s more, according to the Australian Institute of Fitness, group exercise, defined as a collective fitness experience led by an instructor or personal trainer, delivers far more than just health benefits. Here are three key benefits of group training.

Increased motivation

The presence of people who share a common desire to look after their health and who have similar goals is one of the most motivating factors of group training. There’s a contagious positive energy and a unique atmosphere that nurtures participants, even leading them to surpass themselves. Have you ever heard of the Köhler Effect? Basically, it’s a phenomenon that occurs when a person works harder as part of a group than when working alone. By training alongside other people who may be even fitter than you, you’ll tend to want to give it your all more than if you were training solo. This will in turn improve your confidence, your self-esteem and, inevitably, your results.

Greater commitment

There’s a higher level of commitment from participants who join group classes and workouts. One of the ways to be consistent at the gym is to plan and schedule your workouts. The fixed schedule of group classes and supervised training sessions provides this structure. All you have to do is turn up at the scheduled times and it’s done! For example, Tuesday evening, yoga at 6:30 p.m. No room for indecision. Everything is already planned: the time and the content of the session. From a psychological point of view, the fewer decisions you have to make, the better!

Seeing the same trainer and participants every week also creates a sense of belonging. Your presence (and absence) is noticed by peers and the trainer alike, which can help boost motivation and attendance.

Social support

Finally, group classes are an ideal opportunity to connect with others. There’s plenty of camaraderie and encouragement from both instructor and peers. What’s more, the cell phone is put aside, and the focus is on the instructor’s interventions and the exercises to be performed. It’s a great way to let go and connect positively with others.

More affordable than personalized sessions

When you become a Nautilus Plus member, you have access to all training platforms, including group classes. But for a fraction of the cost of personalized training sessions, you can join GES – supervised training groups led by personal trainers. So, in addition to the motivation, commitment and social support, supervised training groups are more economical!

This fall, add variety and novelty to your return to the gym with group classes and supervised training sessions.

News flash! From September 4 to 8, 2023, Nautilus Plus gyms are opening their doors to everyone by offering a free trial week! Don’t miss this opportunity to discover our supervised group training sessions, including NPX. Full details here!

Welcome back to the gym!


Group training: more than just a motivating factor is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
Copyright © Nautilus Plus 2023

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