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Does all dairy products contain the same quantity of protein?

December 9, 2015 - By Nautilus Plus

Temps de lecture 3 minutes

I would like to thank everyone who submitted questions through the I’m Taking Charge blog, and I will do my best to provide answers over the coming weeks. Here’s today’s question:

“According to my age and other criteria, I need 2 servings of protein and 2 servings of milk products. Are all products equal in terms of protein?”

On average, milk products and their alternatives contain about 10 g of protein per serving. However, the wide range of products available on the market can be confusing, and sometimes it becomes hard to tell what is on the list of milk and alternatives. The following table lists some examples. Please take note that the quantity of protein per serving may vary slightly from one product and one brand to another.



milk, skim 1 2Milk, skim, 1%, 2%
250 mL, 1 cup = 10 g of protein per serving

milk evaporatedMilk, evaporated, canned
125 mL, ½ cup undiluted = 10 g of protein per serving

milk chocoMilk, chocolate
250 mL, 1 cup = 9 g of protein per serving

milk, goat enriched

Milk, goat, enriched
250 mL, 1 cup = 9 g of protein per serving

milk powder  Milk, powdered
25 g, 75 mL, ⅓ cup undiluted = 9 g of protein per serving

milk low lactoseMilk, low lactose
250 mL, 1 cup = 10 g of protein per serving

Milk Alternatives

250 mL, 1 cup = 10 g of protein per serving

soy brevageFortified soy beverages
250 mL, 1 cup = 7 g of protein per serving

goat cheeseCheese, goat
50 g, 1½ oz. = 9 g of protein per serving

cheese cottageCheese, cottage or quark
250 mL, 1 cup = 30 g of protein per serving

cheese firmCheese, firm (example: cheddar, Mozzarella, Swiss, feta)
50 g, 1½ oz. = 12 g of protein per serving

175 g, 175 mL, ¾ cup = 6 g of protein per serving

yogurtYogurt (plain or flavoured)
175 g, ¾ cup = 10 g of protein per serving

Non-dairy beverages made from almonds, rice, hemp, oats, and potato are not included in Canada’s Food Guide Milk and Alternatives category. They can be a good source of calcium and vitamin D, but their protein content is only negligible at best.

Many of our customers ask us whether sour cream, cream cheese, ice cream, or cheese cake are considered as milk alternatives. Unfortunately, two servings of these products a day will not provide the nutrients required to remain healthy in the long term!

Visit the Website Fromage d’ici to vary your choice of cheese and support our local producers!


Alyssa Fontaine Reid, P.Dt.



Health Canada. What is a Food Guide Serving of Milk and Alternatives?, Government of Canada, January 14, 2008. Website. Page viewed on November 27, 2015. http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fn-an/food-guide-aliment/choose-choix/milk-lait/serving-portion-eng.php

Health Canada. Canadian Nutrient File (CNF), Government of Canada, April 26, 2012. Website. Page viewed on November 27, 2015. http://webprod3.hc-sc.gc.ca/cnf-fce/language-langage.do?url=t.search.recherche&lang=eng

Health Canada. Nutrient Value of Some Common Foods, Government of Canada, March 18, 2013. Website. Page viewed on November 27, 2015. http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fn-an/nutrition/fiche-nutri-data/nutrient_value-valeurs_nutritives-tc-tm-eng.php

Does all dairy products contain the same quantity of protein? is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
Copyright © Nautilus Plus 2015

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