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5 Tips to Stay Motivated to Work Out at Home

June 12, 2020 - By Nautilus Plus

Temps de lecture 2 minutes

It’s not eay easy to stay motivated to work out at home. Here are my 5 tips to help you integrate or maintain exercise into your daily routine.

1 Choose activities that you like

Whether it’s an intense circuit, a yoga routine, an outdoor run or even a quick dance session, the goal is to find one or more activities that give you a sense of pleasure and satisfaction.

2 Adapt the duration to your new lifestyle

Due to the unprecedented situation we find ourselves in, our days are somewhat turned upside down. Some find themselves with a lot of free time while others are overwhelmed (family, work, etc.) Determining the time of day that is best for you and the appropriate duration for the activity that suits your new daily routine are essential. Exercising for 20 minutes a day is enough, if that’s all you have available. It is important to make time for yourself and stick to it!

3 Seek for group encouragement

Involving your family members, both young and old, or following live online classes are effective ways of encouraging yourself. The contagious energy of online workout classes will boost your motivation and your desire to push further. Creating a weekly workout schedule with motivating online classes will help you be more consistent with your exercise routine.

4 Congratulate yourself

Whether it’s putting a checkmark on your calendar or having a healthy snack after your workout, it is important to reward yourself for being active and for making time to improve your health.

5 Start all over

The most important thing is to stay committed to your workout. With a fun and motivating activity, the goal is to start again the next day, the day after and never give up. Keep in mind that it takes approximately 21 days to adopt a new lifestyle habit, so take it step by step.


5 Tips to Stay Motivated to Work Out at Home is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
Copyright © Nautilus Plus 2020

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